
15 Ways to Stay Fit: A Guide for Working Moms

Discover 15 effective ways for busy working moms to prioritize fitness in their daily lives. Gain practical tips to seamlessly integrate exercise into your routine.

Written by Editorial Contributors

Medically Reviewed by Grace Wang, NP

3 min read

Ways to Get More Exercise for Busy Working Moms

Balancing the demands of work and family life often makes it challenging to prioritize personal fitness. Yet, incorporating movement into your routine can be simpler than you might think. Here are some practical ways to integrate more exercise into your daily life:

Take the Stairs

Instead of waiting for elevators, opt for the stairs whenever possible. This straightforward change can significantly increase your daily activity level, toning your muscles and improving cardiovascular health.

Park Further Away

During errands or commutes, consider parking a bit farther from your destination. Those extra steps add up over time and contribute to your overall physical activity for the day.

Include Children When Exercising

Involving your kids in your exercise routine not only keeps them active but also allows you to combine quality family time with fitness. Play tag, soccer, or go for a family bike ride – it’s an excellent way to bond while staying active.

Try Dancing

Turn on some music and dance with your kids at home. It's a fun and effective way to get your heart rate up and energize your body.

Exercise During TV Time

While watching TV, use commercial breaks or quieter moments to sneak in some squats, lunges, or stretches. These mini-exercise sessions add up and contribute to your daily movement goals.

Tips to Remember

Incorporating exercise into a busy schedule demands commitment and planning. Here are some crucial tips to help you make exercise a consistent part of your routine:

Make Exercise a Priority

Schedule specific time slots for exercise in your calendar and treat them as non-negotiable appointments. This dedicated time reinforces the importance of physical activity in your daily life.

Get the Timing Right

Experiment with different times of the day to find when you feel most energized for workouts – whether it's early morning, during lunch breaks, or in the evening. Find the time that works best for you and stick to it.

Plan It Out

Planning workouts in advance significantly increases the likelihood of following through. Schedule your exercise sessions ahead of time, just like you would any other essential task.

12 Tips for Staying Fit as a Busy Mom

Apart from incorporating exercise into your routine, here are 12 actionable tips to help you maintain fitness amidst a demanding schedule:

  1. Get Your Workout Done Early: Starting your day with exercise eliminates potential clashes with other commitments.
  2. Be Flexible: Embrace adaptability in your routine to accommodate unforeseen changes – some workout is better than none.
  3. Break up your workouts: Short bursts of activity throughout the day are just as beneficial as a single prolonged session.
  4. Include the Kids: Transform regular activities into workouts by involving your children. It not only keeps them engaged but also adds fun to your routine.
  5. Get Creative: Utilize household items or simple exercises to stay active – a few squats while cooking or lunges while doing household chores can make a difference.
  6. Find something you love: Engage in activities that genuinely bring you joy to make exercising more enjoyable and sustainable.
  7. Drink Enough Water: Staying hydrated is crucial, especially during workouts, as it helps maintain energy levels and aids in recovery.
  8. Plan Ahead: Lay out workout gear the night before to remove any barriers and set yourself up for success.
  9. Ask for Help: Seek support from family or friends to carve out time for exercise – sometimes a helping hand can make a significant difference.
  10. Breathe: Incorporate mindfulness and deep breathing exercises to manage stress levels – a calm mind contributes to a healthier body.
  11. Don’t give up: Consistency is key; even small efforts count toward your fitness goals. Be patient and stay committed.
  12. Remember your Why: Connect with your reasons for staying fit to stay motivated. Whether it's for improved health or setting a positive example for your children, knowing your 'why' keeps you focused.

Staying fit as a working mom requires dedication and creativity. By integrating these tips into your routine, you can lead a healthier and more balanced lifestyle. Remember, every step, no matter how small, contributes to your overall well-being!